
Friday, March 6, 2020

Homemade Ricotta Cheese

I ended up finishing the straining on the thicker yogurt I made earlier, added a pinch of fine sea salt and turned it into a Ricotta Cheese. I must say it is incredibly good!!  Will be planning a pasta dish with this - and some chicken I have thawed out. Will do that a bit later today.

Save your whey -- put it in  a pot on the stove, heat it up to almost boiling and remove from heat:

 Add milk and let it curdle - stir occasionally. After 2 to 6 hours you should see curds - that is the Ricotta Cheese.  Strain in a fine mesh strainer over a bowl. Once all liquid (whey) is strained, save the whey in one container for next use and save the Ricotta in another covered bowl for use.

NOTE: Use Full Fat Milk for best results.

NOTE: Using Cream instead of milk you will get a soft Scandinavian-styled cheese instead of the Ricotta.

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