
Wednesday, March 11, 2020


This is "me" -- skinny all over but not my belly (like the girl on the left).

Do you have excess fat even though you’re skinny? Well, you have the skinny fat syndrome. This occurs when the body has excess fat & little muscle mass.

Colloquially known as "skinny fat," or, in medical literature, as "normal weight obesity," can have serious health implications. Many people simply look at their girth, body-mass index or number on the scale to determine if they're at a healthy body weight. If you're slender or of normal weight, though, but have excess fat around your middle, you are at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and inflammation.

Know that you're not alone in having a plumper tummy and a skinny frame. The Mayo Clinic researchers estimated that as many as 30 million Americans may fall into the category of skinny-fat and not even realize the risk to their health.

Both men and women can be skinny fat. But women are more susceptible to skinny fat syndrome since they have more body fat compared to men.
 middle, you are at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease, metabolic syndrome and inflammation.
The problem with having excess stomach weight is that it's about the unhealthiest fat you can carry. Called "visceral" fat, belly fat lies deep in the abdominal cavity and seems to be biologically active. Visceral fat releases chemicals known as "cytokines" that increase your risk for heart disease.
Your skinny frame means you're not eating too many calories, because you're not gaining weight. However, the quality of the calories you're putting into your body may not be as healthy as it could be. Eating too many processed foods, including packaged meals, cereal bars, bakery treats and fast foods, and alcohol can cause your belly bulge.

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If a parent or sibling has developed diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, or high cholesterol (no matter what his or her size), you may be genetically predisposed to these conditions, as well.
“Genetics are definitely involved in how people store fat, but culture and diet also probably play a role, too,” says Dr. Jialal. “And obviously eating healthy and getting exercise is good for everyone, no matter what your risk factors.

Lose fat

You need to lose fat if you’re skinny fat. Now, don’t maintain a huge calorie deficit since it can lead to muscle loss.

Maintain a moderate deficit of about 300 calories and focus more on strength training. Doing cardio for 20-30 minutes, 3 times a week can also help you get leaner.

Poor eating habits

Clean up your eating style by adding fresh vegetables at every meal and snack, such as peppers in an omelet at breakfast, a large salad for lunch, cut-up veggies with hummus for a snack and steamed greens at dinner. Avoid trans fats, found in some packaged foods and fried fast foods, and saturated fats as much as you can. Opt for healthier sources of fat that's found in cold-water fish, nuts, seeds, avocados and unsaturated oils. Minimize your intake of refined carbohydrates -- go for brown rice instead of white pasta or 100 percent whole-wheat bread over a white bagel -- and refined sugars.

Build muscles

 Weak stomach muscles may also be a factor try doing some pilates or yoga exercises this will help to keep your stomach flat.

Luckily, stomach fat is rather responsive to exercise. Skinny people still need to exercise, even if you don't want to lose weight. The right kind of workouts will help you put muscle on your frame and improve your overall body composition, which not only boosts your health but helps you look better, too."

You’re always dehydrated

Dehydration doesn’t cause cellulite but it makes it worse. When you’re dehydrated, the body holds excess water and as a result, cellulite dimples become bumpy.

Note that when you’re thirsty, it means you’re already dehydrated. So don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink water. Drink water throughout the day and eat foods with high water content.

Poor Sleep May Decrease Your Resting Metabolism

Your resting metabolic rate (RMR) is the number of calories your body burns when you're completely at rest. It's affected by age, weight, height, sex and muscle mass. Poor sleep can cause muscle loss. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat does, so when muscle is lost, resting metabolic rates decrease.

Poor Sleep Can Increase Your Appetite

Many studies have found that people who are sleep-deprived report having an increased appetite. This is likely caused by the impact of sleep on two important hunger hormones, ghrelin and leptin. When you do not get adequate sleep, the body makes more ghrelin and less leptin, leaving you hungry and increasing your appetite. In addition, the hormone cortisol is higher when you do not get adequate sleep. Cortisol is a stress hormone that may also increase appetite.

Manage Your Stress

Living a high-stress lifestyle, without taking time to manage your stress levels, can make you gain belly fat. High levels of stress increase your levels of cortisol, a stress hormone that contributes to belly fat accumulation.

Cortisol signals for your body to move fat from existing fat stores into fat deep in your abdomen. Those deep abdominal fat stores push your belly out — giving you a "beer belly"-type appearance — and also secrete inflammatory compounds that raise your risk of heart disease. Stress also increases your appetite, so you're more likely to go off your diet and overeat.

Manage stress by taking time each day to stretch, practice yoga or breathe deeply. Exercise works as a natural stress reliever, too, so sticking to your workout routine will help you maintain a lower stress level.

You’re a smoker

I’m sure you already know that cigarette smoking is harmful to your health. But did you know that smoking can cause cellulite even in skinny people?

For one thing, smoking causes poor blood circulation, which increases chances of having cellulite. Second, regular smoking disrupts the formation of collagen, weakening the skin and making fat under the skin more visible.

Avoid alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol and smoking will only worsen your cellulite. Alcohol is bad for cellulite because it causes dehydration and lowers function of different organs. Avoid these drugs completely or use them in moderation.

You sit for long hours

One of the problems with sitting all day is that it interferes with blood circulation. And when enough blood doesn’t reach the skin, cellulite can form. If you’re skinny with cellulite on the butt, sitting for long hours could be the cause.

This is not to say that you’re doomed to have cellulite if you sit all day. Standing often and being active in the office can prevent poor circulation. You can even use these tricks to burn more calories while sitting on your desk.

You eat too much salt

Adding too much table salt to food or eating processed foods can make your cellulite more visible.
Excessive salt intake causes water retention, which makes cellulite pop out. If you’re skinny with cellulite, avoid high-sodium processed foods and use little table salt.

Your hormones are unbalanced

Women with unbalanced hormones are more likely to have cellulite. Low estrogen levels make you more prone to cellulite.

A drop in estrogen levels leads to a decrease in collagen production and poor blood circulation. This can cause cellulite to appear on your arms, thighs, stomach, and bum.

You wear tight clothes

Some people believe that wearing tight leggings can help reduce cellulite. But the truth is, tight clothes make cellulite dimples more visible.

Tight clothes cause poor blood circulation, which isn’t good for anyone with cellulite. Avoid wearing tight clothes every day.

Also: You may perhaps have an intolerance to a type of food which is bloating your stomach.

 In conclusion: I need better sleep patterns, more water and better diet, exercise, to destress (I've A LOT of stress I do not discuss ), quit smoking, and maybe have my hormones checked since I'm going into early stages of menopause.
Sources: Links Below:

I Am Skinny But Have Excess Stomach Weight

Can You Get Rid of Belly Fat if You Are Skinny?
9 Reasons You’re Skinny With Cellulite on Stomach, Arms, Legs, and Bum

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