
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Elven Levain Rustic Flatbread

Don't throw out the extra Levain (Sourdough Starter
when you feed your starter - make flatbreads with it!

This recipe has no exact measurements - instead it goes by look and feel. 

1/2 cup of Levain
Extra All-Purpose Flour
1 small Pinch of Sea Salt
2 to 3 large Pinches of Corn Meal, optional (used for a nice texture).

Place the levain in a bowl. Add in salt, corn meal and just enough flour to make a sticky dough - mix until the dough just pulls away from the sides of the bowl. It should be a bit tacky.  Lightly dust a surface with flour and place dough on top of it. Dust top with a little more flour and gently knead a minute until it comes together well.

*NOTE: When mixing: If to sticky add a little bit of flour to mix in. If too dry add a few drops of water to thin it.

**NOTE: You want your dough to almost stick to you and almost stick to the surface but it doesn't.

Form a ball and cover in plastic wrap. Let sit that way for an hour or two to relax.  You can use this right way -- but it is better if it sits for awhile before use.

Next, cut your dough in half or as many pieces as you wish. This will depend on what you want - how large or small you want the bread.

Lightly dust your work surface and top of dough with a little more flour. Press flat and begin rolling out your dough. You can roll these very thin or a little thick -that is your preference.

In a skillet, "paint" on a very think layer of oil (olive oil is good). Get your skillet very hot and place a piece of the rolled dough in the skillet. Cook 1 to 2 minutes, then flip over and cook 1 to 2 minutes on the second side. You can flip it back and forth to get some browning on both sides as you wish. Do this with each piece - "painting" on some more oil between cooking each one if needed.

Served these plain, buttered, drizzled with olive oil infusion or topped with anything else you want. Enjoy!

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