
Saturday, March 7, 2020

Garlic-Basil Olive Oil Infusion

I don't have a pretty container but this will do to store my infusion.

Olive Oil
Dried Basil
Garlic, minced
Red Pepper Flakes

1. Determine how much Olive Oil you want to make and put that in a pan or pot on the stove.
2. Place as much of the garlic, herbs and spices you want into the oil - but don't over do it. 
3. Bring to a slow simmer on low-medium heat for 10 to 15 minutes. 
4. Turn off burner and remove pan/pot to a cold burner or hot pad to cool. 
5. Cover pan/pot and let sit for 1 to 2 hours. 
6. Strain the cold oil into a container - be careful not to let the last little bit of the browned stuff to enter into your container. Put lid on it.
7. Place in fridge. Will last up to one month in fridge. 

 *To use: reheat on a medium-low heat until warm. It's ready to use.

This oil can be used to dip bread into or drizzle on top of it. Can be drizzled onto cooked meats, veggies, salads or other foods. This can also be used as a marinate or to make salad dressings. 

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