
Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Elven Feast

This is how I imagine Tolkien Elves eating - little meat but lots of other things.

There was just enough of this and that left to put together a couple of plates of 
meals (lunch and supper). 

Lunch I had the last of the Grilled Chicken 
- so stuffed a half a Pita Bread with it and Tzatziki Sauce
Had some Cucumber-Tomato Salad leftover -- some Black Olives and a little hunk of 
Pepper Jack Cheese to eat... so makes a great  eat-up-leftovers lunch. Haha

Last 1/2 of Pita Bread, Cottage Cheese, last of the Cucumber-Tomato Salad, Avocado, 
last of the Pepper Jack Cheese, couple of Olives and the last of the Tzatziki Sauce
Perfect little dinner - leftovers are gone!!

The bonus is - I still have 3 Pita Breads I made in the freezer - I can do something with them later this month or simply save them for next month (which is doubtful).

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