
Friday, March 13, 2020

Gondorian Sourdough Bread Baking: Day 2 - The Baking

1st Loaf Scored.

It took 7 days of creating the levain, 6 1/2 hours last night preparing the bread for today.
4 1/2 hours cooking 3 loaves. I've been looking forward to this for 8 days.

My results: Pleasing
Into the Dutch oven it goes for the first 20 minutes to bake.
After that, you remove the bread to finish baking and browning in a shallow pan or skillet.

 I only have a toaster oven and it charred a bit of the top - but not too badly.
You can see how close the bread is to the heating coil - too close for bread of this nature,
but I pressed onward to finish my baking challenge today.

Not too bad looking of a loaf but not pretty either. 
It matters not, the taste is still the same.

READ MORE - Click the link below
2nd Loaf Scored

I didn't just get an oven spring - I got a super oven spring from this loaf - WOW!

Now time to finish cooking and browning. 
This one was a bear to work with - it was so tall that it charred the top super bad.

I had to scrape off all that black char off the top of this one and this was the end result.
Still not bad looking but not an attractive bread either. 

3rd and Final Loaf Scored

This time I used my head, I covered the top with tin foil to brown the sides.
The tops of the breads brown in the Dutch ovens (the first stage of cooking them) 
- but the sides still need to finish browning in a shallow pan or skillet - the tin foil help a lot.
Much nicer looking loaf - very pleasing results. 
The end results - good. Not bad for only a toaster oven to work with!

The bread is crunchy on the outside - but the inside is moist.
It is a very mild white flour sourdough bread. I'm satisfied with the end results.
It's really good with lots of butter! 

Source: FoodGeek

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